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"A huge mihi to you all on behalf of Te Oranga Hinengaro, Kaupapa Maori Mental Health & Addictions Service, Ngati Porou Hauora for the amazing response to provide koha kai for our whanau here in Ngati Porou. Your koha Kai was distributed to whanau in our service from Uawa right up to beautiful Te Araroa.

We appreciate you and value your contribution. Mauri Ora. "

Julia Wanoa   

Team Leader/Registered Nurse

Te Oranga Hinengaro Ngati Porou Hauora Charitable Trust 

Testimonials Continued

Pacific Islanders' Community Trust

Ni Sa Bula Vinaka Gizzy Kai Rescue Team,

Our Pasifika community receives the gift of food allocated to PICT Gisborne weekly and this has been a tremendous help to the Pasifika families during the pandemic.  This has gone a long way to relieving pandemic stress and other psychosocial issues which can come from anxiety over the provision of food for the family as a majority of our earners are seasonal workers, and particularly during the lockdown most are not able to work.  

Vinaka vakalevu,

'Alaimaluloa Toetu'u-Tamihere

Team Leader/Registered Nurse


What people say about receiving kai sourced by Gizzy Kai Rescue:

'It gets us through to pay day'

'Helps with the struggles at the moment '



Te Kura Reo rua o Waikirikiri

GKR continues to make a huge impact into the poorest community of Gisborne. There are so many obstacles our community face every day and to have this kai each week eases the burden our whanau are facing.



Whanau Voice
  • We Love receiving our Kai Boxes

  • It is like getting a pick a lucky kai box and a very good variety.

  • Helps our whanau a lot as

  • Eases financial pressure

  • Kai boxes are a God send and kids love opening the boxes up every week.

  • The items are great and often things that we don't have



Tairawhiti Maori Women's Welfare League

Feedback from our Branches re Saturdays pick up: Awesome pick up today, brought smiles to the kaumatua and whanau who received in Mangatu. & from Whakatu Wahine our Kaiti branch: Saturdays allocation was awesome!



Te Hapara Family Services

We thank Gizzy Kai for all of the time and effort that goes into the service. We are really focused on being environmentally conscious and using every opportunity we can to support whanau that we work with in a way that is sustainable. Aroha goes into our parcels, and we enjoy the opportunity to make pasta sauces, cakes, chutney and jam as a personal touch which is so appreciated.



Pacific Island community Trust

The kai gifted supports those in need across the different Pasifika members of the group in Tairawhiti.  Very best wishes and warmest regards from our PICT Team serving alongside you to ensure our Pasifika peoples are supported with kai.



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